Hard News by Russell Brown


Not many, if any ...

Although it already seems to belong to a fonder time, when the prospect of economic calamity wasn't sucking up all the bandwidth, the Section 92A debate hasn't gone away. "Targeted stakeholders" have been given information on the process and timeline of the promised review of that area of the Copyright Act.

There are a couple of good things in there. One is that Judge David Harvey is on the working group charged with developing " a set of proposals/questions for input from targeted stakeholders" whose response will be invited in July. The other is that the Creative Freedom Foundation is among those recognised as stakeholders.

The intention is that a new bill covering the issue of account termination will be introduced to the House in September or October, before going to select committee.


I've written in the past about how much I liked Nick Dwyer's musical TV travelogue Making Tracks, and I was delighted to fear that the National Geographic channel had picked it up. I saw Nick on Saturday night, and he told me that National Geographic has put up some funding for a second series. I hope and trust others will come to the party on that.

But Nick also alerted me to this:

It's an episode of Playlist, a music series on al Jazeera, that focuses on Palestinian hip hop -- which is actually very good. But from about 11' 35", you'll see one of the featured groups, DAM, performing to a fired-up crowd in New York, which is shouting back the refrain. You might recognise the track: it's 'Not Many', by Scribe. Yes, our Scribe.

How'd it happen? In the episode of Making Tracks recorded in Israel, Nick hooked up with DAM, who live in the town of Lod. In keeping with the programme's format, they worked up a version of 'Not Many', and a quick video was made for Making Tracks. That went on to become the "official" video and was played on satellite music channels throughout the Middle East.

I love the way it's captioned in the al Jazeera programme as "'Not Many': A less political song describing themselves as prolific MCs". Second series, please.


I've intended to go to the last two of the LATE at the Museum events fronted by Finlay Macdonald, but circumstances have conspired against me. I have no excuses for not attending the last of the series, next Thursday, given that I'm on the discussion panel. The theme is "Our virtual identity" and I'll share the panel with Nat Torkington, Wayne Hope and others.

The music either side of the talk looks very good too: Lawrence Arabia, a trio led by Phil Dadson, and DJ Cian. The museum itself will be open for the duration of the event.

And guess what? The kind people at the museum have given me eight double passes for Public Address readers. We want to get the tickets in the mail today, so I'm not mucking about. Just click reply and put "Late at the Museum" in the subject line, and your mailing address in the body of the email.
All gone!


I'll be a little more demanding with the second lot on giveaway Friday. Arch Hill Recordings have kindly offered a couple of copies of the excellent new collaboration between David KIlgour and Sam Hunt, Falling Debris. I can recall Sam enthusing to me about some of the early Flying Nun records more than 20 years ago (he particularly loved the title of the Verlaines' 10 O'clock in the Afternoon) and David occasionally lamenting the limits of his own lyric-writing, so it's a fine thing that they've come together.

I have two copies of Falling Debris to give away to the first two readers to click reply and tell me where David Kilgour and Sam Hunt first met. Put the answer in the subject line, please. Both gone! (And the answer was "the Captain Cook Hotel in Dunedin".)

And there are just a few places left for the Orcon Great Bend featuring the Great Geek-Off on Thursday June 11. It's free, but you need to RSVP here.

It will be awesome. And don't forget, you can still email me your geek culture questions for the Geek-Off …

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